Parent & Student Resources
On this page you will find a number of resources to help you navigate the school system as well as important forms, enrollment information, and student programs. Click on a thumbnail below for more information.
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Alert Now
Rockingham County Schools utilizes the Alert Now: Connect 5 Phone Notification Service.
To read the transcript from the latest message from The Score Center click the button below
Your child’s school will be utilizing the Alert Now: Connect 5 service for:
Back to School
Parent Conferences
Special Events
End of Grade Testing Dates
Sports Cancellations
Report Card Distribution
Make Up School Day Reminder
PTO/PTA/PTSO/Booster Clubs
Emergency Messages
Attendance / Absence Notification
The district will be utilizing the Alert Now:Connect 5 service for:
Weather Related Information
Emergency Messages
Other Important Information
To update your primary and emergency contact information, please call your child’s school.
To receive a replay of school and district messages sent to your phone, call 1-855-4-REPLAY or 1-855-473-7529.
Anyone who accidentally opted out of their RCS/school automated phone calls can easily opt back in. Call 855-502-7867 and select option 2. The call MUST be made from the opt-in phone number, which means schools cannot add a phone number for families. We don't want you to miss any important messages!
Dress Code for SCORE Students
Students who attend the SCORE Center are required to follow a dress code when attending school. Many people refer to this as a "uniform," but it is a uniform way of dressing rather than a true uniform.
The dress code for all students is as follows:
Appropriate Dress: Students will adhere to the RCS BoE policy on Appropriate Dress
Students are expected to wear their school attire on the bus. Changing clothing is prohibited.
Students will wear clothing that is size-appropriate.
Clothing with holes, frays, rips, etc… is not allowed.
No jewelry is allowed.
Students must wear khaki pants or shorts. (no cargo pants) They must be tan, black, blue, or grey.
Pants must have belt loops and a belt must be worn. However, no large buckles are allowed.
No athletic wear including jogging pants, sweatpants, basketball shorts (even underpants) or athletic jerseys (any athletic wear).
No sagging pants: pants must be on the waist, and the shirt tucked into the pants without blousing.
Undergarments must not be visible.
Ladies may wear Capri's as long as it is a khaki material.
No Tights and leggings may be worn at all.
Students can wear a polo or dress shirt that has a collar. Shirts must be worn right side out and tucked in at all times.
No low-cut tops that show ANY cleavage and the sleeve must go over the shoulder. All shirts MUST have a collar.
Tennis shoes, Dock Shoes, and slip-on (ie: HeyDudes) must be worn at all times. (flip flops, any type of boots, open-toed shoes, heels, slippers, sandals, or crocs are not allowed.)
All outerwear will be hung up upon arrival at school (hoodies, jackets, sweatshirts, etc…).
All headgear is to be removed (hats, do-rags, scarves, wraps, bandanas.)
Scarves cannot be worn around the shoulder or neck.
Sleepwear is prohibited.
Students out of the dress code will not be permitted to attend class until proper attire has been brought to the school by the parent/guardian.
Morning Check-in Procedures
Students arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 am. NO STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING BEFORE 8:30 AM. Parents with specific concerns should contact the principal. Car riders are considered tardy after 9:00 am. Students who arrive on a late bus are not marked tardy.
All electronic devices, including cell phones, are turned in when students enter the building. Phones must be off when students enter the building. Cell phones and other personal belongings are returned to students at the end of the day. Failure to follow the rules regarding cell phones or other electronic devices may result in the loss of the privilege to bring those items to school. Failure to turn in electronic devices may result in the device being confiscated by administration and may also require a parent to come to collect the device.
All students are searched. Shoes/socks are removed and searched. Students should not bring book bags to school. All necessary materials are provided by classroom teachers. Students should come to school dressed appropriately. Students are not to change clothes on the bus or after they arrive at school in order to be in dress code. Clothing must be worn right side out.
Students are not allowed to bring money into the building. All students receive free breakfast and lunch.
Any questions about the procedures and expectations should be addressed during the orientation process.

Frequently Requested Info
Below is a list of frequently requested info as well as link to helpful resources for both parents and students.
Transcript Requests
In order to provide a more efficient and secure service, effective March 24, 2016, all 3rd Party Requests for Student Records, education verifications, corporate verifications, or related student records MUST be made using our secure online request system.
The online request form can be found here.
Immunization Requirements
You can review state requirements by clicking here or visiting our RCS Student Health page for additional details and information.
Work Permits
The work permit form may be printed from the NC Department of Labor website. Follow these instructions to complete the process correctly:
Students should complete the first section of the form to provide information about themselves: name, address, etc.
The employer completes the section about the job, business name and address, etc., and the employer signs the form.
The parent or guardian signs the form.
The student takes the form to either the Rockingham County Department of Social Services (in the Governmental Center in Wentworth) or to the Employment Security Commission office (across from Rockingham High School in Wentworth).
The student must provide proof of age (a photo id with a birth date or a birth certificate) and the student must sign the form in the presence of the issuing officer. Do not sign the form until the issuing officer at the agency directs you to do so!
College Entrance Exams
The SAT is given at several of the RCS High Schools. Please visit The College Board website for testing schedules/registration, sites, as well as excellent information to help students prepare for the test.
Give us Feedback
The Score Center staff believes that students, parents, and the community deserve the very best work we can do. We appreciate constructive criticism and feedback from our students, our parents, support staff, and community stakeholders.
If you would prefer more immediate and direct contact, please contact any member of our staff by email or by phone to schedule a time to meet with our team.

Parent Guides
Parents’ Guide to Student Success (listed below in English and Spanish) was developed in response to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and mathematics that more than 40 states have adopted.
Created by teachers, parents, education experts, and others from across the country, the standards provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career.
The National PTA® created the guides for grades K-8 and two for grades 9-12 (one for English language arts/literacy and one for mathematics).
The Guide includes:
Key items that children should be learning in English language arts and mathematics in each grade, once the standards are fully implemented.
Activities that parents can do at home to support their child's learning.
Methods for helping parents build stronger relationships with their child's teacher.
Tips for planning for college and career (high school only).
Parent Guides - English
This guide provides an overview of what your child will learn during high school in English.
This guide provides an overview of what your child will learn during high school in mathematics.
Guía Para Padres Para Fomentar El Éxito Escolar
Inglés En La Escuela Preparatoria
Esta guía presenta un panorama general de lo que aprenderá su hijo en artes lingüísticas de inglés en la escuela preparatoria.
Matemática En La Escuela Preparatoria
Esta guía presenta un panorama general de lo que aprenderá su hijo en matemática en la escuela preparatoria.

Parent Resources
Below are a number of resources for both students and parents.
Homework Assistance Line (336) 623-3689
Rockingham County Schools’ Homework Assistance Line (“HAL”) is served by licensed teachers for students in grades
K-12. Students or parents may call and have a teacher help them work out problems or explain assignments in core and advanced subject areas.
Days / Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm, beginning in September after Labor Day and ending one week before End-of-Grade Tests.
The Homework Assistance Line is closed every teacher workday, holiday, day before a holiday and when schools are closed or released early due to bad weather.
An open access mental health facility. Phone # 336-349-2233
A free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job. For eligible young people at least 16 years of age.
A quasi-military style program for at risk school dropouts sponsored by the North Carolina National Guard.
Text START to 741741 from anywhere in the USA, anytime, about any type of crisis.
High School Graduation Requirements (NCDPI) - Including Diploma 22 information
Youth Services (will see kids at school)
PO Box 301 335 County Home Road, Wentworth NC 27327 336-342-5756
Cone Health Outpatient Behavioral Health @Reidsville
621 S. Main Street Reidsville 27320
336 349-4454
National Hopeline Network 800 SUICIDE (1 800 784 2433)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 800 273 TALK
Youth America Hotline (counseling for teens by teens)
youthline (877) 968-8491 or TEXT teen2teen to 839863
TTY Hearing & Speech Impaired
(800) 799-4TTY / (800) 799-4889
Mobile Crisis Unit 1-855-459-9507
Family Services, Cardinal Innovations -1-800-939-5911
Rockingham Wellness Center (Inside Layne's Pharmacy)
509 S. Van Buren Road, Eden NC 27288
336 778-3659
Domestic Violence (Hotline) – 336-723-8125
Sexual Assault (Hotline) – 336-722-4457
One in three teens will be in an abusive dating relationship.
The Trevor Project - 1-866-488-7386
National Runaway Hotline 1-800-786-2929
Parent Involvement
Visitors at Booker T. Washington Learning Center are welcome at any time. Please stop by the main office and receive a visitor's pass.
Parents and guardians are required to come for orientation with the student. This ensures that all parties are clear on the rules and expectations. SCORE orientation is held by appointment on Thursdays at 9:30 am. Day Treatment orientation is scheduled by the Director of Day Treatment.
To schedule a conference with your child's teachers, please contact the school counselor. Students who have a team of people working to support them are more successful in our program.
Community Stakeholders
Because of the way the programs at Booker T. Washington Learning Center are structured, we do not have a PTO and our students do not participate in any fundraisers. As a result, we rely heavily on the charity and goodwill of the community to supplement our budget for supplies and special programs. We have been blessed with donations of clothing, shoes, and other personal items for our students. We also have generous volunteers.
Special guest speakers who come to our school also donate their time. Several of our local businesses have consistently supported our efforts through the donation of coupons and discounts or donations of food items for our Thanksgiving meal or staff appreciation meals.
Anyone who would like to donate to our PBIS program or future Thanksgiving meals, please contact the school at 336-634-3209.
Many students have community support in place when they enroll at BTWLC. We welcome all adults to the table in support of students. It is not unusual for students to have outside behavioral/mental health counselors or group home counselors in the classroom, or for students to be pulled out of the classroom by court counselors or probation officers. We believe that each person has a role to play in successfully motivating, educating, and graduating students. We accommodate these visits with an attitude of flexibility and appreciation. We strive to maintain open lines of communication and include all stakeholders in IEP meetings, conferences, and behavioral concerns.
When it is time to transition students back to their home schools, teachers and other staff members create a transition document with observations and suggestions for how to best acclimate students back into the home school environment. BTWLC staff remain an available asset in support of students via email and follow up visits after transition.

PBIS = Positive Behavioral Intervention Support
Below is an overview of our PBIS Program
BTWLC has been a PBIS school since 2009, moving up from Green Ribbon recognition to Model School in 2010, to Exemplar status in 2012.
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. It is a program designed to teach and highlight targeted, desired behaviors and to positively reinforce those desired behaviors. is a great resource if you want to learn more!
NCDPI has added Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to the vision statement for all North Carolina schools. More info here The good news for schools with effective PBIS programs such as the program at Score is that (PBIS) is a process that is consistent with the core principles of MTSS.
Both MTSS and PBIS are grounded in differentiated instruction. Due to the small class size and staggered enrollment of students from all across the county, BTWLC teachers have grown accustomed to differentiating instruction and modifying assignments. To support the BTWLC teachers in this practice, Rockingham County provided on site professional development in the areas of rigor and differentiation with continued access to experts in these fields.
SELF CONTROL - Walk quietly in the halls, keep your hands and feet to yourself. Listen carefully and don't interrupt. Remain seated in the cafeteria.
OPTIMISM - Encourage others to follow the rules. Be positive with self and peers. Be gracious and grateful.
RESPECT - Follow the directions of staff. Use please and thank you. Return items that you borrow. Listen politely. Help clean up.
EFFORT - Always do your best. Try, even if you are discouraged. Ask for help when you need it. Come to school every day.
Students who exemplify the target behaviors of Self Control, Optimism, Respect, and Effort can earn extra privileges.
Students can earn privileges such as dressing "down" on Fridays, the use of headphones in the classroom, or other privileges. Students who qualify will receive a letter on Thursday.